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The Tap Tree

by Leo Dias


* Historical Roots of Tap Improvisation

*Tap Improv: communication with yourself and the other

* Possible didactics of improvisation through the game

* Practical exercises involving Musicality, Technique, Gesture and Imagination as provocations.

improvisation in tap dance  is the quest of my life!

Starting from a multifaceted understanding of what has been o tapimprov  over time, and what it means for those who experience it, passing through reflections on its historicity and its role in education, and arriving at practical exercises that focus on different aspects of fluency, proficiency, creativity and expressiveness in this "language" that is o tap dance, this course is a celebration of the magic of "just tap dancing," and an experiential path to achieving that "just," either within yourself or with your group.

This course can be taken online (keep an eye on our social networks!) or face-to-face, on demand from specific groups. Get in touch with us to find out more! In the meantime, enjoy the articles and videos that have been developed on the subject here on the Island!   

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